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$ev_name is lawful evidence of the admission record used by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to keep track of non-citizens entering and leaving the US. It is generally issued electronically when upon each admission/readmission to the US, and a PDF record can be printed rom the CBP website.
How to submit?

When you admit and readmit the US, a Customs and Border Protection (CBP) officer will ask you a few questions and review your documents to determine admissibility. If the officer approves your entry, they will create your I-94 record. Upload a copy of it via $ev_type4 of the $ev_type0.

Step 1 Wait for a few hours after landing
Step 2 Immediately access your I-94 record via
Step 3 Enter personal information then download Form I-94
Step 4 Check for errors then upload a copy of it - See sample
Step 5 Keep the hard copy in your wallet (required)
Step 6 Present it to host on your first internship day
Related topicsTBDKnow Before You VisitI-94 Fact SheetI-94 SampleWhat if your I-94 Not Found