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BridgeUSA (EVP)

The following key entities involved or associated with the Exchange Visitor Program (EVP) include:
The Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs (ECA). This is a division within the U.S. Department of State that administers and oversees the Exchange Visitor Program.

Designated sponsors. These are private or public entities designated by the ECA to administer and sponsor exchange visitor programs. They are responsible for screening and selecting participants, providing support and guidance throughout the program, and ensuring compliance with program regulations. Each sponsor has a Responsible Officer (RO) and one or more Alternate Responsible Officers (ARO) who provide guidance and support to exchange visitors.

NOTE: FUSIA is a designated sponsor in the J-1 intern category. Non-US schools interested in collaborating with their US counterparts, US entities looking to host J-1 interns, and both foreign and domestic entities seeking partnerships can contact us for further information.

Exchange visitors, or J visa holders. They are foreign nationals approved to participate in one of the exchange visitor program types through a program sponsor. They come to the United States for educational and cultural exchange programs in various categories, such as internships, trainee programs, university and college programs, summer work and travel, au pair programs, and more. Some exchange visitors are accompanied by spouses and unmarried children under 21, called dependents under J-2 visas.

Hosts. In certain program categories such as interns and trainees, sponsors collaborate with third-party hosts, which can be companies or organizations, to facilitate the implementation of the programs. The hosts provide the exchange visitors with opportunities for practical training, internships, or other specified activities. Hosts may assign a Main Program Supervisor (POC/MPS) and one or more Primary Phase Supervisors (PPS) to oversee and guide the participants during their program.

Other third parties. Program sponsors may also collaborate with domestic and foreign entities to facilitate the implementation of eligible participants and hosts in their exchange programs. Such collaboration necessitates a written agreement that outlines the responsibilities and obligations of each party involved. Collaboration with staffing or employment agencies is not allowed under 22 CFR 62.22(j)(3). However, it is important to note that partnering with staffing or employment agencies is not allowed under the regulations governing the Exchange Visitor Program (22 CFR 62.22(j)(3)).

Government agencies. The Exchange Visitor Program (EVP) involves various US government agencies that play distinct roles depending on the specific program category and nature of the exchange. The Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs (ECA) within the US Department of State administers and oversees the EVP, while the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), through agencies like US Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) and US Customs and Border Protection (CBP), is involved in visa processing, immigration matters, and entry inspections. The Department of Labor (DOL) regulates certain work-based exchange programs, and US embassies and consulates facilitate visa applications and provide support to participants and sponsors.
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