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Late Arrival Permission Form

Exchange visitors who arrive in the US after the program start date must notify FUSIA immediately to apply for late entry permission. This will be followed by completing the amendment procedures and paying the form reprint fee.
Part A Acknowledgement
Sign on the last page to confirm acknowledgement and acceptance.

1 Arrival and Departure Windows. The program start and end dates are specified in your DS-2019. You are required to arrive within 30 days before the start date and, upon successfully completing the program, depart the US within 30 days after the program ends.

2 Rectification of Program Deviation. Late arrivals, even for a single day, are considered a program deviation, requiring immediate reporting to us and completion of the amendment procedures, including reissuing and signing SEVIS records and forms, along with settling the associated amendment fee, typically USD 50 per form for two SEVIS forms.

3 US Entry. You should note that your visa only permits travel to the border; CBP ultimately decides entry. Even with our approval and the amendment process completed, late arrivals can cause complications, including heightened scrutiny and a higher chance of being questioned or denied admission by CBP, which you undertake at your own risk.

4 Advice. If time allows, late-arriving participants are advised to amend SEVIS records and forms and obtain the necessary signatures before arrival. Considering the serious consequences and potential complications, you should strive to avoid delays. If delayed, you must notify us and promptly complete the amendment process and post-arrival check-in procedures. If this is not feasible, you must expedite and complete these procedures in conjunction with SEVIS Check-In* within the first 10 days** of the program’s start date.

*SEVIS Check-In involves verifying your US address and contact information, followed by changing the status from INITIAL to ACTIVE.

**There is a limited timeframe to complete SEVIS Check-In upon arrival. We generally allow up to 10 days. If it takes more than 10 days, we reserve the right to cancel program sponsorship. If it exceeds 30 days, it will result in SEVIS record cancellation. In either case, no refund will be given.
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