Resources > Title 22 CFR Part 62 (Exchange Visitors)


Last modified on Apr 09, 2023

62.70 SEVIS reporting requirements

62.70(a) SEVIS generated Forms DS-2019 shall only be completed, printed and signed by a responsible officer and/or alternate responsible officer(s) who are physically present in the United States or a U.S. territory at the time of the Form's production.

62.70(b) Responsible officers and alternate responsible officers shall secure their SEVIS logon IDs and passwords at all times.

62.70(b)(1) At no time and under no circumstances are SEVIS logon IDs and passwords to be shared with anyone, either on a transitory or permanent basis.

62.70(b)(2) Sponsors for whom the responsible officer or alternate responsible officers have been found to have willfully or negligently violated the requirements of this section will be subject to sanctions as set forth in § 62.50(a)(2).

62.71 Control and production of the electronic Form DS-2019
62.72 Staffing and support services

62.72(a) Sponsors shall appoint a responsible officer and may appoint up to ten (10) alternate responsible officers to adequately administer their exchange visitor program to fulfill the duties set forth in § 62.11.

62.72(a)(1) The Department may limit the number of alternate responsible officers appointed by the sponsor at its discretion.

62.72(a)(2) The Department reserves the right to withdraw the appointment of a responsible or alternate responsible officer at its discretion.

62.72(b) [Reserved]

62.73 Academic training

62.73(a) Students meeting the definition listed in § 62.4(a)(1)(ii) and (iii) may, if approved by the academic dean or advisor and approved by the responsible officer or alternate responsible officer, engage in academic training pursuant to § 62.23(f).

62.73(b) The responsible officer or alternate responsible shall update the exchange visitor's SEVIS record to reflect the details of any academic training pursuant to § 62.23(f)(5)(i). An update of the SEVIS record constitutes compliance with § 62.23(f)(5)(ii).

62.74 Student employment

62.74(a) Students meeting the definition listed in § 62.4(a)(1)(ii) and (iii) may engage in student employment pursuant to § 62.23(g).

62.74(b) The responsible officer or alternate responsible officer shall update the exchange visitor's SEVIS record to reflect the details of such employment pursuant to § 62.23(g)(1). An update of the SEVIS record constitutes compliance with § 62.23(g)(2)(iv).

62.75 Extension of program participation

62.75(a) A sponsor may extend an exchange visitor's participation in the Exchange Visitor Program up to the limit of the permissible period of participation authorized for the specified program category by entering a new end program date and an optional comment—all other information collected on a DS-2019 will be automatically completed by SEVIS.

62.75(a)(1) A sponsor extending the program of an exchange visitor who is not currently listed in the SEVIS database is required to create a record for the exchange participant (and the accompanying spouse and any dependents as a “continuing exchange visitor”. In creating the exchange visitor's SEVIS record, the sponsor shall issue the exchange visitor (and the accompanying spouse and any dependent children) a duly executed Form DS-2019 reflecting such extension.

62.75(a)(2) When creating a SEVIS record for a “continuing exchange visitor,” the initial program start date and Form number taken from the non-SEVIS Form IAP-66 or DS-2019 issued to begin new program must be entered in the exchange visitor's SEVIS record.

62.75(b) A responsible officer or alternate responsible officer seeking an extension of program status on behalf of an exchange visitor in excess of the duration of program participation authorized for the specific category shall:

62.75(b)(1) Submit an electronic request to the Department through the real-time interactive mode in SEVIS.

62.75(b)(2) Create a record for the exchange participant (and the accompanying spouse and any dependent children) as a “continuing exchange visitor” listing the initial program start date and Form number taken from the non-SEVIS Form IAP-66 or DS-2019 issued to begin new program.

62.75(b)(3) Submit written supporting documentation and the required non-reimbursable fee to the Department within 30 calendar days of the SEVIS submission date.

62.76 Transfer procedures

62.76(a) Program sponsors may, pursuant to the provisions set forth in § 62.42, permit an exchange visitor to transfer from one designated program to another designated program. Transfers will not extend the maximum duration of participation for the category in which the exchange visitor is currently participating.

62.76(b) Current sponsor and transfer sponsor shall communicate appropriately to ensure an uninterrupted transfer, continuous status of the exchange visitor and proper change of address reporting and shall utilize the provisions of this section to effect such transfer.

62.76(b)(1) SEVIS-to-SEVIS transfer. When both the transfer and current sponsors are enrolled in SEVIS, a transfer is enacted as follows:

62.76(b)(1)(i) The nonimmigrant shall notify the current sponsor of the intention to transfer.

62.76(b)(1)(ii) Upon verification of the current status and eligibility to transfer by the transfer sponsor, the current sponsor shall update the exchange visitor's record by processing a “transfer out” in SEVIS. The current sponsor must enter the name and program number of the transfer sponsor and the effective date of transfer. The “transfer out” process gives the transfer sponsor access to the SEVIS record of the exchange visitor (and accompanying spouse and any dependent children).

62.76(b)(1)(iii) The transfer sponsor shall initiate a “transfer in,” issue a Form DS-2019 for the exchange visitor (an accompanying spouse and any dependent children), and advise the exchange visitor of the effective date of transfer.

62.76(b)(1)(iv) The exchange visitor shall report to the transfer sponsor in a manner and at a time specified by the transfer sponsor, and shall provide updated U.S. address information.

62.76(b)(1)(v) The transfer sponsor shall validate the exchange visitor's participation in its program within 30 calendar days of the effective date of transfer and update the exchange visitor's current U.S. address.

62.76(b)(2) Non-SEVIS to SEVIS transfer: When the transfer sponsor is enrolled in SEVIS but the current sponsor is not, the transfer is enacted as follows:

62.76(b)(2)(i) The nonimmigrant shall notify the current sponsor of the intention to transfer.

62.76(b)(2)(ii) Upon verification of current status and eligibility to transfer, the transfer sponsor shall create a Form DS-2019 to enact a transfer and will send the Form to the current sponsor to acquire the written release of the exchange visitor by obtaining a signature in Section 8.

62.76(b)(2)(iii) Upon receipt of the Form DS-2019 with signature, the transfer sponsor shall record the effective date of transfer; the date, name and title of person who signed the release; the name and program number of the current sponsor. The transfer sponsor shall print a Form DS-2019 for the exchange visitor, and advise the exchange visitor of the effective date of transfer.

62.76(b)(2)(iv) The exchange visitor shall report to the transfer sponsor in a manner and at a time specified by the transfer sponsor and shall provide updated U.S. address information.

62.76(b)(2)(v) The transfer sponsor shall validate the exchange visitor's participation in its program within 30 calendar days of the effective date of transfer and update the exchange visitor's current U.S. address.

62.76(b)(3) SEVIS to Non-SEVIS transfer. When the transfer sponsor is not enrolled in SEVIS and the current sponsor is a SEVIS-enrolled sponsor, a transfer is enacted as follows:

62.76(b)(3)(i) The exchange visitor shall notify the current sponsor of the intention to transfer.

62.76(b)(3)(ii) Upon verification of current status and eligibility to transfer, the transfer sponsor shall create a non-SEVIS Form DS-2019 and submit it to the transfer sponsor for the release of the exchange visitor by acquiring a signature in Section 8 of the Form.

62.76(b)(3)(iii) The transfer is required to update the exchange visitor's SEVIS record by recording the effective date of transfer; name and program number of the transfer sponsor; and, name of the responsible officer/alternate responsible officer of the transfer (non-SEVIS) sponsor requesting the transfer as noted on the four-color, four-page paper Form DS-2019.

62.76(b)(4) The transfer sponsor will provide the exchange visitor with the pink copy of the Form DS-2019 and submit the yellow copy of the form to the Department.

62.77 Reinstatement

62.77(f)(a) Reinstatements will continue to be handled in accordance with the procedures established in § 62.45. A SEVIS reinstatement is processed as follows:

62.77(f)(a)(1) The responsible officer must submit an electronic request for reinstatement to the Department through SEVIS.

62.77(f)(a)(2) The responsible officer must print a copy of the reinstatement request (draft copy of the Form DS-2019) from the SEVIS system.

62.77(f)(a)(3) The responsible officer must submit the official request along with the required supporting documentation justifying the reinstatement and the required, non-reimbursable fee (refer to § 62.90-Fee) to the Department within 30 calendar days of the SEVIS submission date.

62.77(f)(a)(4) The Department will review the request. If approved, the Department will enter the approval in SEVIS, thereby opening the file so that the responsible officer may print a Form DS-2019. How is the sponsor going to know they received an answer to their request? The Department's approval is required before a Form DS-2019 can be printed. What happens if the request is denied?

62.77(f)(b) An exchange visitor (and the accompanying spouse and any dependent children) who failed to submit a change of current U.S. address as required under § 62.63 is in violation of the Exchange Visitor Program regulations and is not eligible for reinstatement. The Department will deny any such application for reinstatement.

62.77(f)(c) An exchange visitor (and accompanying spouse and any dependent children) who is ineligible for reinstatement or whose request for reinstatement has been denied is no longer an Exchange Visitor Program participant. He or she cannot remain in the United States unless another lawful immigration status is obtained.

62.78 Termination

An exchange visitor who willfully or negligently fails to comply with the requirements established in Public Law 104-208, as amended, shall be terminated from the Exchange Visitor Program by the sponsor.

62.79 Sanctions

62.79(a) The Department of State shall impose sanctions against a sponsor that has:

62.79(a)(1) Willfully or negligently failed to comply with the reporting requirements established in Public Law 104-208, as amended; or,

62.79(a)(2) Produced SEVIS Forms DS-2019 outside the United States or a United States territory; or,

62.79(a)(3) Whose authorized representatives fail to secure their SEVIS logon ID and password.